Monday, April 26, 2010

The Amazing Wedge

I don't get to town much these days. And by town I mean the small town of Fredericksburg, TX. It is even more rare that I travel to an urban destination that has a franchise other than Sonic or Dairy Queen. I've been craving a wedge salad from a favorite big city restaurant for weeks and finally decided to re-create. It is just so so so yummy I wanted to share. I'll confess I don't usually have candied pecans or Gorgonzola cheese on hand in my kitchen, but it was so worth the splurge.

1 Wedge Iceberg Lettuce

Chopped Granny Smith Apple

Sun Dried Tomato Slices

Chopped Candied Pecans

Crumbled Bacon Pieces

Crumbled Gorgonzola Cheese

Garlic Ranch Dressing*

Plate the iceberg wedge. Drizzle on the ranch and top with the remaining ingredients. That's all folks! Just dig in and get ready for your tongue and tummy to tango!

*I use homemade ranch dressing. Here is a great link for a ranch dressing recipe. Roasted garlic can be substituted for fresh garlic if you want a sweeter mellow taste. The fresh garlic gives the dressing a nice bite that I happen to love and works beautifully with this salad.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Little One

Our "Little One" turned five today. So we celebrated our sweet Logan and the blessing of his addition to our family.


Hot dog roast in the backyard followed by a pinata....

A friendly round of birthday spankings................

And the finale - Logan requested a Chocolate Cherry Candy Covered Cake .........

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bluebonnet Blues

I have been trying to take a good bluebonnet picture of my boys for the past three years. I have a few friends who can attest to this as they've tried to help me with the project - boys will be boys and I have 100 bluebonnet blooper shots but nothing frame worthy.

You can imagine my excitement when about a month ago I found young bluebonnet plants popping up on the hill in my backyard. Surely I can get a decent picture of my boys in these flowers now that I don't have to go further than my backyard. So this morning I grabbed me camera determined to get some candid shots before the flowers disappear. Please note here that being the mom of two boys I am out numbered three to one in the male to female ration in my house. And while my darling husband humors me, boys just don't want to sit in a bunch of stink'n flowers and pose for their mother to take pictures - no mater what you say. And once again I find myself with the bluebonnet blues.

Just for fun throw in a dog who wants to play fetch in the bluebonnets,

then add a few nosey chickens.....................

What is perfection anyway?