Monday, August 23, 2010

Boys and Babies

Today is the first day of school. Connor is entering second grade and Logan is off to kindergarten, which is breaking my heart. Both boys had mixed emotions of excitement and nerves this morning. As much as I want to keep them under my wing, life just keeps coming. I have been thinking a lot lately of the lines from one of our favorite books We're Going on a Bear Hunt. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. We've Got To Go Through It!
So off they go......
AND THEN......

I guess God wanted to make sure I didn't have too much time on my hands. James and I came home from taking the boys to their first day of school and went to take care of the milk cows. Look who was waiting for us, a beautiful baby girl.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Visitors

Over the summer months James and I have had the joy of seeing a few wild turkey hens and poults in the pasture in front of our house. Until today the sightings have been few and always very early in the morning. However, this afternoon at nearly three o'clock we had a flock of about thirty visitors pass through our yard. These beauties leisurely tootled around the house while James and I stood on the porch, sometimes less than 25 yards away snapping pictures. What a blessing to have a few unexpected moments to observe these beautiful birds. It filled us with gratitude to live in an area where they make their home.